Theo has his own art studio. 🙂

This makes me HUGELY happy.

He has paper, paints (tempura and watercolor), coloring pencils, glitter glue pens, crayons, scissors, alphabet stamps, paint brushes….and the freedom to create whatever he wants independently.

Freedom is the key. Not only was he previously at the mercy of my schedule for getting the paints out; he also had to live within the limitations of what I could imagine — and the level of mess I could tolerate.

Now, all the supplies are within reach and he is on his own. He can get what he wants and make what he wants and not be limited by my frequent ‘crises of imagination.’

I hope that he will invite me in some days to create with him.

He’s my artist. His soul has always been an artist. And I hope that this allows for some self-guided art therapy as he makes this confusing transition from cared-for baby child to in charge of oneself young boy.